UPHYMOB – Upskilling the EU workforce for hydrogen fleets and infrastructure operation and maintenance

Project name: UPHYMOB – Upskilling the EU workforce for hydrogen fleets and infrastructure operation and maintenance
Project code: UPHYMOB
Project timeline: 2022 - 2024
Research group: Energy and Fluid Mechanics
As part of the EU?s Green Deal, hydrogen is foreseen to play a big role in the decarbonisation goals prescribed. As the cost for producing ?green? hydrogen (i.e. renewable hydrogen from electrolysis) drops, H2 can contribute significantly to the fight against climate change, especially for the mobility sector. Upskilling of the workforce is of vital importance, as a new set of skills is required for a growing market. A training programme tailored to cover the needs of the emerging H2 mobility sector is currently lacking. UpHyMob aims to define the occupational requirements for H2 mobility technicians, design and deliver educational resources to be embedded in existing training provisions, introduce contemporary training delivery methods and support the official qualification of H2 technicians.