Instituto Superior Técnico view website
Associação para o Desenvolvimento do Instituto Superior Técnico view website
Universidade do Porto view website
IDMEC is governed by a Board of Directors of five elements. They report to the General Assembly constituted by the Partners, that exercise their full rights when gathered in purposely scheduled meetings.
General Assembly

Prof. Paulo Martins (IST) – President

Prof. António Augusto Fernandes (UP) – Vice-president

Prof. Rogério Colaço (ADIST) – Secretary
Board of Directors

Prof. José Carlos F. Pereira – President

Prof.Nuno Silvestre – Vice-president for Administrative and Financial Matters

Prof. André Marta – Vice-president for Scientific Matters

Dr. Carlos Quental – Vowel

Prof. Susana Vinga – Vowel
Fiscal Council

Prof. José Sá da Costa – President