Modelling and controlling cancer evolution using fractional calculus
Project name: Modelling and controlling cancer evolution using fractional calculus
Project code: FCT/POLONIA
Project timeline: 2015 - 2016
Research group: Intelligent Systems
Mathematical models of bone metastases involve diffusion phenomena, which are known to be often best modelled using fractional derivatives. We will thus seek fractional order and variable fractional order models of the dynamics of bone metastases, to study their behaviour, both theoretically and computationally. Especially, discrete time fractional order models will be taken into consideration in order to apply Fractional Kalman Filter algorithms for estimating unknown state variables in a noisy environment. Models of bone metastases including pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics information are very important, because they allow studying and forecasting the effects of treatments available for cancer. Models adjusted for different patients are one of the strongest tools of personalised medicine, allowing differentiated treatments adjusted to the way each particular person reacts. This study is expected to assist in the fight against one of the oldest known pathologies to humankind.