
We found 1176 publications for:
International conference
Mihaela Ghita, Dana Copot, Maria Ghita, Duarte Valério, Clara M. Ionescu, Online identification of pain model in postanesthesia care unit for drug infusion optimization, 25th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing, Ia?i, Romania, Oct, 2021
João Eduardo Borges, INFLUENCE OF THE REACTION ON THE PERFORMANCE OF THE CROSSFLOW TURBINE, 14th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics, Apr, 2021
Filipe Szolnoky Ramos Pinto Cunha, Tomás Figueiredo Ventura Pimentel Fontes, Development of a Preliminary Design Tool for Rotary Wing Aircrafts, ISATECH 2021 International Symposium Aircraft Technology, MRO, and Operations, Jun, 2021
Bruno Cotrim, Aurélio Araújo, José A. Madeira, Shunted damping configurations for noise reduction in laminated composite sandwich panels: a mode-by-mode approach, 1ª Conferência Ibero-Americana de Materiais Compósitos, 29-30 July 2021, Porto., Jul, 2021
Francisco Vieira, Aurélio Araújo, Peridynamic model of linear piezoelectricity, 1st International Conference on Computations for Science and Engineering, 19 - 22 July 2021, On line, Jul, 2021
Marta Tomé, Aurélio Araújo, José A. Madeira, Optimal shunted damping configurations for noise reduction in laminated composite sandwich panels: a mesh dependency study, 1ª Conferência Ibero-Americana de Materiais Compósitos, 29-30 July 2021, Porto., Porto, Portugal, Jul, 2021
Aurélio Araújo, Bruno Cotrim, Marta Tomé, José A. Madeira, Shunted damping configurations for noise reduction in laminated composite sandwich panels, 7th International Conference on Mechanics of Composites Porto, Portugal 1?3 September 2021, Sep, 2021
Aurélio Araújo, Marta Tomé, Bruno Cotrim, José A. Madeira, Optimal shunted damping treatments for noise reduction in composite sandwich panels, 1st International Conference on Computations for Science and Engineering, 19 - 22 July 2021, On line, Jul, 2021
João M. Salgueiro, João C.P. Reis, Towards a highly integrated 3D printed soft continuum manipulator, 7th International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Applications (ICARA), Feb, 2021
Wagd Ajeeb, S.M.S. Murshed, Energy efficiency enhancement of thermal solar collectors by nanofluids, EuroNanoForum 2021 International Conference (virtual), Portugal, May, 2021
Wagd Ajeeb, S.M.S. Murshed, Thermal energy efficiency of compact heat exchanger using nanofluids, EuroNanoForum 2021 International Conference (virtual), Portugal, May, 2021
Elaine Fabre, S.M.S. Murshed, Ionanocolloids as alternative media for sustainable and high efficiency in energy-systems, EuroNanoForum 2021 International Conference (virtual), Portugal, May, 2021
Marco Leite, Ricardo L. D. Cláudio, Development of a large size 3D delta printer for advanced polymers, Progress in Digital and Physical Manufacturing - ProDPM?21, Jul, 2021
Pedro Messias, Maria João Sousa, Alexandra Moutinho, Color-based Superpixel Semantic Segmentation for Fire Data Annotation, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), Aug, 2021
Sérgio Cavaleiro Costa, Isabel Malico, Numerical results of flames impinging on a curved surface, 5th International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation. Developments and Applications ? SYMCOMP 2021, Mar, 2021
Sérgio Cavaleiro Costa, André V. Santos, Diogo Canavarro, Isabel Malico, Fernando M. Janeiro, Geometric optimization of linear Fresnel reflector solar collector using a genetic algorithm, 5th International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation. Developments and Applications ? SYMCOMP 2021, Mar, 2021
Sérgio Cavaleiro Costa, Fernando M. Janeiro, Isabel Malico, First results from a novel multispecies predator-prey optimization algorithm, 5th International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation. Developments and Applications ? SYMCOMP 2021, Mar, 2021
Francisco Zdanowski, Isabel Malico, Ana Cristina Gonçalves, Adélia M. O. Sousa, First results for the optimal location and size of residual biomass power plants for electricity production in Alentejo, Portugal, 17th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids: Mass Transfer, Heat Transfer and Microstructure and Properties ? DSL 2021, Jun, 2021
Sérgio Cavaleiro Costa, Isabel Malico, Fernando M. Janeiro, A numerical optimization study of a two-layer porous burner, 17th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids: Mass Transfer, Heat Transfer and Microstructure and Properties ? DSL 2021, Jun, 2021
Filipe Szolnoky Ramos Pinto Cunha, Tomás Figueiredo Ventura Pimentel Fontes, Development of a Preliminary Design Tool for Rotary Wing Aircrafts, Isatech 2021, Jun, 2021