
We found 1176 publications for:
International conference
Rui P. F. Gomes, João C. C. Henriques, Luís Gato, António Falcão, An upgraded model for the design of spar-type floating oscillating water column devices, European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Naples, Italy, Sep, 2019
Bruna Torres, Bardia Naghshineh, Gonçalo Cardeal, Duarte Filipe, Helena Carvalho, Paulo Peças, I. Ribeiro, The Impacts of Additive Manufacturing Technology on Lean/Green Supply Chain Management Practices, 6th European Lean Educator Conference, Oct, 2019
Paulo F. M. Ferreira, On the Degradation of Pt-Ni Nanocatalysts for PEM Fuel Cells: An Identical Location Aberration-Corrected TEM Study, 4th Israeli Fuel Cells Consortium Workshop, Tel Aviv, Israel, Oct, 2019
Rafael Afonso, Luis M. Alves, P.A.F. Martins, Joining by Forming of Tubes and Rods to Sheets, XXXIX SENAFOR, Oct, 2019
Rafael Afonso, Luis M. Alves, P.A.F. Martins, Interference-Fit Joining of Metal-Polymer Coins, XXXIX SENAFOR, Oct, 2019
G.C. Fraga, F.H.R. França, Pedro J. Coelho, Evaluation of Different Weighted-Sum-of-Gray-Gases Formulations to Estimate the Planck-Mean Absorption Coefficient for CO2-H2O Mixtures, 25th ABCM Int. Congress of Mecahnical Engineering, Uberlândia, Brasil, 20-25 de outubro , Oct, 2019
Castro, J. M. P. B. C., Aurélio Araújo, José A. Madeira, Design and multi-objective optimization of a composite impact attenuator for a Formula Student car, Oct, 2019
Daniel Santos, Luís Rato, Teresa Gonçalves, Sérgio Cavaleiro e Costa, Isabel Malico, Paulo Canhoto, Composite SVR based modelling of an industrial furnace, 6th International Conference on Modelling and Development of Intelligent Systems, Sibiu, Romania, Oct, 2019
G.C. Fraga, A.P. Petry, F.H.R. França, Pedro J. Coelho, Analysis of Turbulence-Radiation Interaction in a Square-Shaped, Large-Scale Ethanol Pool Fire, 25th ABCM Int. Congress of Mecahnical Engineering, Uberlândia, Brasil, 20-25 de outubro , Oct, 2019
André Pacheco, João C.P. Reis, A small-scale educational workbench for Industry 4.0, IECON 2019-45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Oct, 2019
António Abreu, Ricardo Santos, João Calado, José Requeijo, A Fuzzy Logic Model to Enhance Quality Management on R&D Units, ICEUBI2019 ? International Congress on Engineering ? Engineering for Evolution, Nov, 2019
Maria Amélia Ramos Loja, Ana Cristina Paixão Casaca, 2019 World of Shipping Portugal, an International Research Conference on Maritime Affairs, 2019 World of Shipping Portugal, an International Research Conference on Maritime Affairs, Carcavelos, Lisboa, Nov, 2019
Niranjan Saikumar, Duarte Valério, S. Hassan HosseinNia, Complex order control for improved loop-shaping in precision positioning, 2019 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Nice, Dec, 2019
João C. C. Henriques, Ana Carrelhas, Luís Gato, António Falcão, Juan C. C. Portillo, Peak-shaving control ? a new control paradigm for OWC wave energy converters., Proceedings of the 13th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Sep, 2019
Juan C. C. Portillo, António Falcão, João C. C. Henriques, Luís Gato, Experimental compressibility study on a Coaxial-Duct OWC., Proceedings of the 13th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Sep, 2019
I. Bidaguren, I. Albaina, I. Zabala, A. Gómez,, Juan C. C. Portillo, J. M. Blanco, João C. C. Henriques, Experimental assessment of a fixed Oscillating Water Column coefficients as a damped harmonic oscillator., Proceedings of the 13th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, , Sep, 2019
Alessandra Romolo, João C. C. Henriques, Luís Gato, Giovanni Malara, Valentina Laface,, Rui P. F. Gomes, Juan C. C. Portillo, António Falcão, Felice Arena, Power take-off selection for a U-shaped OWC wave energy converter, ASME. International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Volume 10: Ocean Renewable Energy, Nov, 2019
Elaine Fabre, Eduarda Pereira, Carlos M Silva, Valuation of banana peels for mercury removal in environmental realist conditions, ICECM: International Conference on Environment, Chemistry and Management, New York, USA, Apr, 2019
Simão P Cardoso, Zhi Lin, Elaine Fabre, Eduarda Pereira, Carlos M Silva, The use of a new Fe Substituted Niobium Silicate (NS91) for Hg(II) ion exchange from aqueous solutions, AIChE Annual Meeting, Orlando, USA, Nov, 2019
Paulo F. M. Ferreira, S. Zafari, T. Eerola, H. Kalviainen, Alan Bovik, Automated Segmentation of Isolated-Overlapping Nanoparticles in BF TEM Images by U-Net Binarization and Branch and Bound, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns 18th International Conference, CAIP 2019, Salerno, Italy, September 3?5, 2019, Proceedings,, Sep, 2019