We found 1176 publications for:
International conference
Pedro G. Coelho, R. A. Reis, José M. Guedes, Convergence analysis of stress fields to homogenization predictions in optimal periodic composite design, European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2016), Jun, 2016
Virgínia Infante, Pedro Serrão, António Ribeiro, Mário Alberto Silveira Costa Vieira, Computational Evaluation Of The Influence Of The Soundhole Size On The Dynamic Behaviour Of The Portuguese Guitar, Euroregio 2016 - 9th Iberian Acoustics Congress, Porto, Portugal, Jun, 2016
D. Connolly, S. Mezher, P. Alves-Costa, O. Laghrouche, P. Woodward, João Pombo, A Practical Critical Velocity Scoping Tool for Track Engineers, Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Railway Research, Milan, Italy, Jun, 2016
Carlos Daniel Vieira Guedes, Miguel Matos Neves, A MODEL-BASED ACOUSTIC SOURCE LOCALIZATION USING THE MDOF TRANSMISSIBILITY CONCEPT, EuroRegio2016, June 13-15, Porto, Portugal, Jun, 2016
R. Q. Macedo, Rafael T. L. Ferreira, José M. Guedes, Mauricio V. Donadon, A failure criteria for unidirectional fiber reinforced composites based on micromechanics by asymptotic homogenization, European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2016), Jun, 2016
Joana de Castro Capacete, João Folgado, Paulo R. Fernandes, Rui M. Coelho, S. Vinga, Renato Natal Jorge, Jorge Belinha, A biomechanochemical bone remodeling model for disease and therapy dynamics, Mechanical Engineering Conference (CEM 2016), Jun, 2016
L. Quintino, Eurico Gonçalves Assunção, Rexach A., Taylor A., Becker-Willinger C., Weldaprime – Developing a weldable zinc?free primer, 69th IIW Annual Assembly, Melbourne, Jul, 2016
José Moita, Aurélio Araújo, Cristóvão Mota Soares, Carlos Mota Soares, Vibration analysis of functionally graded material sandwich structures with passive damping, 2nd International Conference on Mechanics of Composites, Porto, Jul, 2016
Yen-Kong C., Eurico Gonçalves Assunção, L. Quintino, Sundqvist J., Kaplan A.F.H., Blackburn J., Using Diffractive Optics in Industrial Laser Welding Applications, 69th IIW Annual Assembly, Melbourne, Jul, 2016
AERuano, P. M. Ferreira, H. Duarte, S. Silva, M. G. Ruano, Self-Powered Wireless Sensor Network Designed for Energy Saving in HVAC Systems., The 2016 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, & Applied Computing (The 2016 International Conference on Wireless Networks - ICWN'16), Jul, 2016
Pedro M.B. Torres, Paulo J.S. Gonçalves, Jorge Martins, Robotic System Navigation Developed for Hip Resurfacing Prosthesis Surgery, MESROB 2016 - 5th International Workshop on Medical and Service Robots, Jul, 2016
Victor M. Franco Correia, José A. Madeira, Aurélio Araújo, Cristóvão Mota Soares, Multiobjective design optimization of laminated composites and sandwich plates, 2nd Interna- tional Conference on Mechanics of Composites, Porto, Jul, 2016
Sieczkarek P., C.M.Alves Silva, Wernicke S., Tekkaya A.E., P.A.F. Martins, Mechanical Characterization of Materials for Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming Processesl, 1st International Conference on Research Trends in Mechanical Engineering RTME-2016, Aveiro, Portuga, Jul, 2016
Eurico Gonçalves Assunção, L. Quintino, Bono P., Psyk V., Join?em – Dissimilar materials joining using magnetic pulse welding,, 69th IIW Annual Assembly, Melbourne, Jul, 2016
Eurico Gonçalves Assunção, L. Quintino, Bono P., Alen C., Blundell N., Withers K., Initial development of an online control system for laser welding, 69th IIW Annual Assembly, Melbourne, Jul, 2016
Frederico Canas de Matos Oliveira Ribeiro, João Folgado, M.J. Gómez-Benito, J.M. García-Aznar, Paulo R. Fernandes, Healing patterns in long bones oblique fractures, 22nd Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB 2016), Jul, 2016
Duarte Valério, Rui Moura Coelho, S. Vinga, Fractional dynamic modelling of bone metastasis, microenvironment and therapy, International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, Novi Sad, Jul, 2016
Inés Tejado, Duarte Valério, Emiliano Pérez, Nuno Valério, Fractional calculus in economic growth modelling: The economies of France and Italy, International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, Novi Sad, Jul, 2016
Jawale K., Duarte J.F., Reis A., M.Beatriz Silva, Formability limits by Fracture for Brass and INOX304, 12th World Congress on Computational Mechanics WCCM XII, Seoul, Korea, Jul, 2016
Gonçalo Silva, V. Semião, First- and second-order slip velocity boundary models in the lattice Boltzmann method, International Conference for Mesoscopic Methods in Engineering and Science, ICMMES 2016, Hamburg, Germany, Jul, 2016