
We found 1176 publications for:
International conference
António Falcão, João C. C. Henriques, Luís Gato, Turbine choice and optimization for a shoreline OWC wave energy plant, 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, Oct, 2016
Duarte Valério, Pedro Beirão, Giacomo Vissio, Giovanni Bracco, Giuliana Mattiazzo, Tuning a linear quadratic regulator for point absorber wave energy converters, International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, Lisboa, Oct, 2016
Cândida Malça, Raimundo Felismina, Pedro Beirão, Study of the influence of design parameters on the structural behavior of a point absorber wave energy converter using a finite element approach, International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, Lisboa, Oct, 2016
António Falcão, João C. C. Henriques, Luís Gato, Rated power and control of an oscillating-water-column wave energy converter, 2nd Asian Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Oct, 2016
Rui Mirra Santos, Yi Zong, João M. da Costa Sousa, Luis Mendonça, Anders Thavlov, Nonlinear Economic Model Predictive Control Strategy for Active Smart Buildings, Proceedings of 2016 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, Oct, 2016
Giacomo Vissio, Duarte Valério, Giuliana Mattiazzo, Giovanni Bracco, Pedro Beirão, ISWEC control tuning: lessons learned, International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, Lisboa, Oct, 2016
B. Teillant, Y. Debruyne, A Sarmento, Rui P. F. Gomes, Luís Gato, M Fontana, M Philippe, A Combourieu, Integration of breakthrough concepts into the OWC spar buoy, 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, Oct, 2016
José Reginaldo Hughes Carvalho, Alexandra Moutinho, J. Raul Azinheira, Integrating mission planner to the flight control system of a robotic airship, XXI Congresso Brasileiro de Automática, Vitória, Brazil, Oct, 2016
Rui Mirra Santos, Yi Zong, João M. da Costa Sousa, Luis Mendonça, Shi You, Lucian Mihet-Popa, Fuzzy Predictive Filtering in Nonlinear Economic Model Predictive Control for Demand Response, 2016 IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC) , Oct, 2016
Rita Cardoso, Miguel Tavares da Silva, Design, Analysis and Simulation of a Novel Device for Locomotion Support, ICNR2016 - International Conference on Neurorehabilitation, Segovia, Spain, Oct, 2016
P. Woodward, D. Connolly, O. Laghrouche, João Pombo, Critical Speed Mitigation Strategies & Analysis for High-Speed Track Forms, Proceedings of the PWI/UEEIV 2016 Technical Conference, Manchester, UK, Oct, 2016
M. C. Giestas, Jorge Milhazes, Pedro J. Coelho, A. M. Joyce, CFD Modeling of a Small Case Solar Pond, EuroSun 2016, ISES Conference Proceedings, Palma de Mallorca, Espanha, Oct, 2016
F-X Fay, E. Robles, João C. C. Henriques, M. Marcos, Best practices for the use of electrical test infrastructures to validate control strategies: A case study in wave energy conversion, 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, Oct, 2016
Virgínia Infante, A. Santos, M. Bamsey, D. Schubert, A case study in the application of failure analysis techniques to Antarctic Systems: EDEN ISS, 2016 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SYSTEMS ENGINEERING (ISSE), Edinburgh, SCOTLAND, Oct, 2016
Carlos Bettencourt da Silva, João Melo, The turbulent/non-turbulent interface in viscoelastic fluids, 69th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Nov, 2016
Maria Abian, Maria Alzueta, André Carvalho, Miriam Estefania Rodrigues Fernandes Rabaçal, Mário Manuel Gonçalves Costa, The impact of calcium and potassium on the pyrolysis and combustion of biomass, 2nd General Meeting & Workshop on Smart Energy Carriers in Industry (SMARTCATS), Lisboa, Portugal, Lisboa, Portugal, Nov, 2016
T. Porfírio, P. Valente, I. Matos, J. Moreira, J. Vicente, M Temtem, V. Semião, Secondary drying scale-up methodology: eliminating a bottleneck with a lean development approach, 2016 AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Nov, 2016
Carlos Bettencourt da Silva, Tiago Santos Silva, Scalar transport across the turbulent/non-turbulent interface in jets: Schmidt number effects, 69th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Nov, 2016
J. Durão, M. Palm, R. Catapan, Mário Manuel Gonçalves Costa, Partial oxidation of ethanol in a short contact time catalytic reactor, Joint Meeting of the Portuguese and Scandinavian-Nordic Sections of the Combustion Institute, Lisboa, Portugal, Lisboa, Portugal, Nov, 2016
Maria Abian, Maria Alzueta, André Carvalho, Miriam Estefania Rodrigues Fernandes Rabaçal, Mário Manuel Gonçalves Costa, On the role of calcium and potassium on the combustion characteristics of biomass: from particle ignition to char oxidation, Joint Meeting of the Portuguese and Scandinavian-Nordic Sections of the Combustion Institute, Lisboa, Portugal, Lisboa, Portugal, Nov, 2016