Energy and Fluid Mechanics

Agnieszka Bezuszko, Evaluation of slow pyrolysis of kitchen and garden biowaste to produce biochar ? Experimental study, Dec, 2023
Rita Santos Saraiva de Sá Magalhães, Experimental investigation on pyrolysis of agricultural biomass residues, Instituto Superior Técnico, Dec, 2023
Maria Amélia Ramos Loja, Isabel Malico, José Garção, Numerical and Symbolic Computation: Developments and Applications 2023, Mathematics and Computational Applications, Dec, 2023
Sérgio Cavaleiro Costa, Cláudia Casaca, Isabel Malico, Ricardo Cardoso, Alda Carvalho, A influência das obstruções na ventilação em parques de estacionamento ? estudo preliminar, AVAC Magazine, 3, 16-23, 2023
Ana F. Ferreira, Life Cycle Assessment – a tool for a sustainable product development, Rumo ao Futuro / Towards the Future - 24º Seminário de Outono - EFRIARC, Nov, 2023
Francisco Zdanowski, Isabel Malico, Flávio Pécurto, Paulo Canhoto, Rui Pedro Lima, Simulation of a recuperative heat exchanger integrated in a thermal incinerator with the epsilon-NTU model, 6th International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation. Developments and Applications ? SYMCOMP 2023, Mar, 2023
Wagd Ajeeb, S.M.S. Murshed, Thermal Properties of Sic and BN Nanofluids for Heat Transfer Applications, 8th World Congress on Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer (MHMT23), Lisbon, Portugal, Mar, 2023
M.A. Marcos, J.P. Vallejo, Wagd Ajeeb, S.M.S. Murshed, L. Lugo, Propylene Glycol-Water Based Titanium Carbonitride Nanofluids Designed for Heat Transfer Applications, 8th World Congress on Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer (MHMT23), Lisbon, Portugal, Mar, 2023
Wagd Ajeeb, R. R. S. Thieleke da Silva, S.M.S. Murshed, Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow of TiO2 Nanofluids in a Compact Heat Exchanger, 8th World Congress on Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer (MHMT'23), Lisbon, Portugal., Mar, 2023
Sérgio Cavaleiro Costa, Fernando Janeiro, Isabel Malico, On the enhancement of heat transfer in a backward-facing step using porous baffles, 6th International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation. Developments and Applications ? SYMCOMP 2023, Mar, 2023
Diogo Pires, Miguel Mendes, Carlos Alexandre, Manuela Ribeiro Carrott, Abel Rodrigues, Ana F. Ferreira, Assessment of biochar production from residual biomass carbonization and its use for soil amendment., 15th International Conference on Energy for a Clean Environment (CleanAir 2023), Lisbon, Portugal, Jun, 2023
Joana Letra, Luís Calado, Abel Rodrigues, Paulo Brito, Ana F. Ferreira, Evaluation of hydrogen production from thermal gasification of residual biomass, 15th International Conference on Energy for a Clean Environment (CleanAir 2023), Lisbon. Portugal, Jun, 2023
Leandro Magalhães, Ana F. Ferreira, Mauro Rocha, André Silva, Techno-economic Analysis of Sustainable Aviation Fuels: e-fuels, Aerospace Europe Conference 2023 joint event between the 10th European Conference for Aerospace Sciences (EUCASS) and the 9th conference of the Council of European Aerospace Societies (CEAS), Geneve, Switzerland, Jul, 2023
Ana F. Ferreira, Pedro J. Coelho, UpHyMob: Upskilling for H2 mobility Upskilling the EU workforce for hydrogen fleets and infrastructure operation and maintenance, Special session of Hydrogen Energy on 12th International Conference on Advanced Nano Materials, ANM2023, Aveiro, Portugal, Jul, 2023
Ana F. Ferreira, Leandro Magalhães, Mauro Rocha, André Silva, Life cycle analysis of Sustainable Aviation Fuels production., INternational CongRess on Engineering and Sustainability in the XXI cEntury, INCREaSE 2023, Faro, Algarve, portugal, Jul, 2023
MA Marcos, JI Prado, JP Vallejo, S.M.S. Murshed, L Lugo, Nano-enhanced isopropyl palmitate for cold storage applications, 22nd European Conference on Thermophysical Properties (ECTP2023), Venice, Italy, Sep, 2023
MA Marcos, JP Vallejo, S.M.S. Murshed, L Lugo, Experimental thermophysical and rheological profile of cellulose nanocrystal nanofluids based on propylene glycol:water, 22nd European Conference on Thermophysical Properties (ECTP2023), Venice, Italy, Sep, 2023
R.R. Riehl, S.M.S. Murshed, An overview of performance and viability of nanofluids in thermal energy systems, 10th Heat-Powered Cycles Conference, 3-6 September 2023, Edinburgh, Scotland, Sep, 2023
U. Calviño, J.P. Vallejo, S.M.S. Murshed, Y. Ding, L Lugo, Phase Change Analysis of New Backfilling Materials with PCM for Geothermal Wellbores, 4th International Conference on Advances in Energy Research and Applications, Lisbon, Portugal, Dec, 2023
M. A. Marcos, F. Almeida, J. P. Vallejo, S.M.S. Murshed, L Lugo, BN:SiO2 Hybrid Nanofluids Based On Ethylene Glycol:Water As Enhanced Thermal Fluids, 4th International Conference on Advances in Energy Research and Applications, Lisbon, Portugal, Dec, 2023