Integrated Members

Duarte Valério
Main interests:
Fractional Calculus; Wave Energy; Computer Vision 
João F. P. Fernandes
Main interests:
Electrical Machines, Electromagnetic and Thermal Design, Electromagnetic fields, Optimization Design/Processes, New Magnetic Materials, Photovoltaic systems. 
João Miguel da Costa Sousa
Main interests:
Computational Intelligence; Fuzzy Systems; Intelligent Data Analysis; Smart Industry; Applications in Operations Research, Energy and Health Care. 
Jorge Martins
Main interests:
Robotics and MechatronicsSystems and ControlPhysical Human-Robot InteractionSurgical RoboticsExoskeletons and Orthotics José Raul Azinheira
Main interests:
Flight controlNonlinear controlAerial robotics 
Miguel Ayala Botto
Main interests:
Distributed control of large-scale transportation networks, Control of hybrid systems, Robotics, Fault detection and isolation 
Paulo José da Costa Branco
Main interests:
Photovoltaic systems operation and maintenance: multi-objective optimization to minimize the economic and energy costs over the life-cycle; Operation of induction generators when isolated from the power grid and under variable speed in the pump as working turbines; Criticality in the smart grid operation environment: definition of reliability models for both cyber and power equipment; The use of bulk high-temperature superconducting materials inserted in the magnetic circuit of electromechanical systems increases its power density. 
R.M. Coelho
Main interests:
Medical Robotics; Industrial Robotics; Mobile Robotics; Control; Computer Vision and Image Processing; Artificial Intelligence 
Susana Margarida da Silva Vieira
Main interests:
Fuzzy Systems, Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning, Complex Systems Modeling and Control, Optimization and Decision Theory, Data Uncertainty, Feature Selection and Causality. Collaborators

Main interests:
Intelligent Control, Computational Intelligence, Intelligent Instrumentation Cristiano Lourenço Cabrita
Main interests:
Neural Networks, fuzzy systems, Optimization algorithms, Machine Learning for time series anailsys, Evolutionary Computation, smart grids. 
J. Sá da Costa
Main interests:
The research interests fits on the broad area of Systems and Control Engineering, in particular, the development of control theory and their applications to engineering systems towards the enhancement of performance, functionality, safety and reliability.The research interests include fault tolerant control, network control systems, manipulator robots, surgery robots, active noise and vibration control, fractional control systems, control of ocean wave energy converters and system identification. 
João Calado
Main interests:
Artificial intelligence techniques applied to FDI/FTC, mobile robots, automatic control, intelligent multi agent approaches and collaborative networks, process identification, robotics, remote supervision and control, artificial intelligence techniques applied to image processing. 
João Carlos Prata dos Reis
Main interests:
Soft roboticsFlexible robotsRobotic manipulatorsVibration control of robots 
José Valente de Oliveira
Main interests:
Machine LearningNatural computingArtificial Intelligence 
Rafael Cordeiro
Main interests:
Autonomous robotic vehicles; Outdoor vehicles; Ground and aerial vehicles; Vehicle modeling and control; Nonlinear control; Estimation processes; Fault detection. PhD Students

Andrés Rodríguez
Main interests:
* Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety RAMS* Power Systems Reliability* Intelligent Systems* Hydroelectric Systems Operation and Optimization