Intelligent Systems

Ana Dias, R. Antunes, António Abreu, Vitor Anes, Helena Navas, João Calado, Utilization of the Arena simulation software and Lean improvements in the management of metal surface treatment processes, International Conference on Industry Sciences and Computer Science Innovation, Sep, 2022
Vitor Anes, António Abreu, Ana Dias, João Calado, A risk model to promote collaborative logistics networks, PRO-VE 2022, Sep, 2022
Luí Vicente, Pedro Lomelino, Fernando Cardoso Carreira, Francisco Campos, Mário Mendes, João Calado, A photorealistic digital twin for a tank truck washing robotic system, PRO-VE 2022, Sep, 2022
Luís Quinto, Pedro Pinheiro, Artur Machado, Sérgio Gonçalves, Ivo Roupa, Énio Chambel, Paula Simões, Jorge Martins, Carlos Quental, Luis Reis, Miguel Tavares da Silva, Development of an Ankle Exoskeleton to Reduce the Metabolic Costs during Walking, International Society of Military Sciences Conference 2022, Lisbon, Portugal, Oct, 2022
Paulo Branco, Eduardo Filho, Bernd Kollosch, Bjorn Muller, Nicolas Holland, Christian Reise, Development and Evaluation of an Automatic Failure Detection System for O&M of PV Portfolios, 8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion,, Nov, 2022
Vítor Caldeirinha, João Lemos Nabais, Claudio Pinto, Port Community Systems: Accelerating the Transition of Seaports toward the Physical Internet?The Portuguese Case, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10, 2, 16, 2022
Paulo Branco, Jonathan Costa, Sensorless Switched Reluctance Machine and Speed Control: A Study to Remove the Position Encoder at High Speed of Operation, ENERGIES, 15, 5, 176, 2022
Rui M. Coelho, Stan Durand, Jorge Martins, Hermano Igo Krebs, Multivariable passive ankle impedance in stroke patients: A preliminary study, Journal of Biomechanics, 130, 2022
Luis Martins, Carlos Cardeira, Paulo Oliveira, Inner-outer feedback linearization for quadrotor control: two-step design and validation, Nonlinear Dynamics, 110, 1, 479-495, 2022
Tiago G Morais, Marjan Jongen, Camila Tufik, Nuno R Rodrigues, Ivo Gama, David F, Susana Vieira, Tiago Domingos, Ricardo FM Teixeira, Characterization of portuguese sown rainfed grasslands using remote sensing and machine learning, Precision Agriculture, 24, 161?186, 2022
Paulo Branco, Jonathan Costa, Diogo Silva, Large-Power Transformers: Time Now for Addressing Their Monitoring and Failure Investigation Techniques, Energies, 15, 159, 2022
Paulo Branco, Bjorn Muller, Nicolas Holland, Christian Reise, Klaus Kiefer, Practical Recommendations for the Design of Automatic Fault Detection Algorithms Based on Experiments with Field Monitoring Data, SOLAR ENERGY, 244, 227-241, 2022
André Carvalho, Miguel Ayala Botto, Jorge Martins, Reflections and the geometry of quaternion extraction methods, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 176, 2022
Ricardo Magalhães, Susana Vieira, João M. da Costa Sousa, Threat elimination algorithm for Dual Resource Constrained Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problems, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55, 10, 2288-2293, 2022
Vitor Anes, Teresa Morgado, António Abreu, João Calado, Luís Reis, Updating the FMEA approach with mitigation assessment capabilities ? A Case Study of Aircraft Maintenance Repairs, Applied Sciences, 12, 11407, 1-31, 2022
Vitor Anes, Teresa Morgado, Antonio Abreu, João Calado, Luis Reis, Updating the FMEA Approach with Mitigation Assessment Capabilities?A Case Study of Aircraft Maintenance Repairs, 2022
André Carvalho, Miguel Ayala Botto, Jorge Martins, Reflections and the geometry of quaternion extraction methods, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2022
Márcia Lourenço Baptista, Kai Goebel, E. Henriques, Relation between prognostics predictor evaluation metrics and local interpretability SHAP values, Artificial Intelligence, 306, 103667, 2022
Rui M. Coelho, João Gouveia, Miguel Ayala Botto, Hermano Igo Krebs, Jorge Martins, Real-time walking gait terrain classification from foot-mounted Inertial Measurement Unit using Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory neural network, Expert Sytems with Applications, 203, 2022
Solange D. R. Santos, J. Raul Azinheira, Miguel Ayala Botto, Duarte Valério, Path planning and guidance laws of a Formula Student driverless car, World Electric Vehicle Journal, 13, 6, 100, 2022