M.G. Ruano, E. Hajimani, AERuano, A Radial Basis Function Classifier for the Automatic Diagnosis of Cerebral Vascular Accidents, 2016 Global Medical Engineering Physics Exchanges/Pan American Health Care Exchanges (GMEPE / PAHCE), Apr, 2016
Ruano, M. G., AERuano, Towards ultrasound hyperthermia safe treatments using computational intelligence techniques, 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA 2016), May, 2016
AERuano, S. Pesteh, S.Silva, H. Duarte, P.M. Ferreira, H. Khosravani, R. Horta, PVM-based intelligent predictive control of HVAC systems, 4th IFAC Conference on Intelligent Control and Automation Sciences (ICONS), Jun, 2016
Ndilokelwa Fernandes Luis, Aurélio Araújo, José A. Madeira, Multiobjective optimization of piezoelectric patch distribution for vibration attenuation in sandwich plates, 5th International Conference on Engineering Optimization, Iguassu Falls, Brazil, Jun, 2016
FERREIRA, R., Ruano, M. G., AERuano, Non-invasive modelling of ultrasound-induced temperature in tissues: a b-splines neural network solution, 4th IFAC Conference on Intelligent Control and Automation Sciences (ICONS), Jun, 2016
Joana de Castro Capacete, João Folgado, Paulo R. Fernandes, Rui M. Coelho, S. Vinga, Renato Natal Jorge, Jorge Belinha, A biomechanochemical bone remodeling model for disease and therapy dynamics, Mechanical Engineering Conference (CEM 2016), Jun, 2016
Duarte Valério, Rui Moura Coelho, S. Vinga, Fractional dynamic modelling of bone metastasis, microenvironment and therapy, International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, Novi Sad, Jul, 2016
Pedro M.B. Torres, Paulo J.S. Gonçalves, Jorge Martins, Robotic System Navigation Developed for Hip Resurfacing Prosthesis Surgery, MESROB 2016 - 5th International Workshop on Medical and Service Robots, Jul, 2016
AERuano, P. M. Ferreira, H. Duarte, S. Silva, M. G. Ruano, Self-Powered Wireless Sensor Network Designed for Energy Saving in HVAC Systems., The 2016 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, & Applied Computing (The 2016 International Conference on Wireless Networks - ICWN'16), Jul, 2016
António Santos, Duarte Valério, J. Tenreiro Machado, António M. Lopes, Analysis of Lisbon public transport network in the perspective of fractional dynamics, International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, Novi Sad, Jul, 2016
M. Marques, J. Belinha, L.M.J.S. Dinis, S. Vinga, R. Jorge, Elasto-plastic analysis of the bone tissue using meshless methods, IRF2016: 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE INTEGRITY-RELIABILITY-FAILURE, Univ Porto, Fac Engn, Porto, PORTUGAL, Jul, 2016
Inés Tejado, Duarte Valério, Emiliano Pérez, Nuno Valério, Fractional calculus in economic growth modelling: The economies of France and Italy, International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, Novi Sad, Jul, 2016
João P. P. Cunha, Carlos Cardeira, Nelson António Martins da Costa Batista, Rui Melicio, Wireless technologies for controlling a traffic lights prototype, Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (PEMC), 2016 IEEE International, Varna - Bulgary, Sep, 2016
João Cima Gomes, G. Carine, Carlos Fernandes, João Torres, Olle Olsson, Paulo Branco, Samuel Nashih, Analysis of different C-PVT reflector geometries, Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (PEMC), 2016 IEEE International., Aug, 2016
António Arsénio Costa, Martim Carvalho, Carlos Cardeira, Paulo Branco, Rui Melicio, Conception of a YBCO superconducting zfc-magnetic bearing virtual prototype, Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (PEMC), 2016 IEEE International., Aug, 2016
Carlos Fernandes, João Torres, João Cima Gomes, Paulo Branco, Samuel Nashih, Stationary solar concentrating photovoltaic-thermal collector?Cell string layout, Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (PEMC), 2016 IEEE International., Aug, 2016
António Arsénio Costa, Martim Carvalho, Carlos Cardeira, Paulo Branco, Rui Melicio, Viability of a frictionless bearing with Permanent Magnets and HTS bulks, Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (PEMC), 2016 IEEE International., Aug, 2016
Tomás Hipólito, João Lemos Nabais, Miguel Ayala Botto, Efficient Operations at Intermodal Terminals Using a Multi-agent System, 12th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Sep, 2016
Marta Priscila Bento Fernandes, Paulo Oliveira, Susana Vieira, Luis Mendonça, João Lemos Nabais, Miguel Ayala Botto, Data Based Modeling of a Large Scale Water Delivery System, CONTROLO 2016, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 402, Sep, 2016
Cândida Malça, Raimundo Felismina, Pedro Beirão, Study of the influence of design parameters on the structural behavior of a point absorber wave energy converter using a finite element approach, International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, Lisboa, Oct, 2016