Intelligent Systems

José Valente de Oliveira, Sliced Wasserstein cycle consistency generative adversarial networks for fault data augmentation of an industrial robot, Expert Systems with Applications, 2023
João Joaquim Borralho Gil, Simulation Framework for a class of cable-driven non-rigid Manipulators, Jul, 2023
Manuel Almeida de Sá, Instrumentação de um elo robótico insuflável para estimação de deformação e deteção de contacto, Jul, 2023
Diogo Miguel Dias Pereira, Modelling and analysis of a soft continuous robot with friction effects, Jul, 2023
Matheus de Almeida Orsi e Silva, Temporal Sequences Using Temporal Needleman-Wunsch Algorithm, Nov, 2023
Laura Bispo Quintas, Optimised Combination of Distance Metrics for Labelled Trees using Survival Data, Nov, 2023
Filipe de Jesus Pereira Ferraz, Comparative analysis of machine learning models for timeseries forecasting of Escherichia coli contamination in Portuguese shellfish production areas, Nov, 2023
Raquel Alves Romão, Detection of aberrant terminal exon usage in RNA sequencing data, Nov, 2023
Raul Pacheco Sarkar, Cancer drug synergy prediction using multi-modal deep learning models, Nov, 2023
Diogo Rafael Esteves Ribeiro, Causal graph discovery for explainable insights on marine biotoxin shellfish contamination, Nov, 2023
Ziqiang Pu, Exploiting GAN as an oversampling method for imbalanced data augmentation with application to the fault diagnosis of an industrial robot, Universidade do Algarve, Mar, 2023
Yashwant Singh, Pradeep Kumar Singh, Maheshkumar H. Kolekar, Arpan Kumar Kar, Paulo J.S. Gonçalves, Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Innovations in Computing, May, 2023, Springer
João Pedro Grosa Magrinho, M.Beatriz Silva, P.A.F. Martins, Comprehensive Materials Processing, 2e, Sheet-bulk metal forming, Jan, 2023, Elsevier
Rodrigo Bernardo, João M. da Costa Sousa, Paulo J.S. Gonçalves, Ontological framework to improve motion planning of manipulative agents through semantic knowledge-based reasoning, Ontological framework to improve motion planning of manipulative agents through semantic knowledge-based reasoning, Aug, 2023, CEUR
Maria João Guardado Moreira, Lucinda Sofia A. Carvalho, Paulo J.S. Gonçalves, Vítor Manuel Barreiros Pinheira, Longevity and Development: New perspectives on Ageing Communities, Jan, 2023, Springer
ML de Mendonça, R. Coletti, CS. Gonçalves, E.P. Martins, B.M. Costa, S. Vinga, M.B. Lopes, Updating TCGA glioma classification through integration of molecular profiling data following the 2016 and 2021 WHO guidelines., Dec, 2023
Miguel Tavares da Silva, Sérgio Gonçalves, Pedro Dantas, Margarida Neves, Francisco Melo, Bárbara Onofre, João Gouveia, Jorge Martins, José Guimarães Consciência, A Novel System for the Measurement of Contact Forces during Hip Arthroscopy, CNB 2023 - X Congresso Nacional de Biomecânica, Figueira da Foz, May, 2023
Luís Quinto, Artur Machado, Leonor Alves, Alberto Gonzalo, João Luís, Diogo Pires, Sérgio Gonçalves, Ivo Roupa, Jorge Martins, Miguel Tavares da Silva, Exoesqueleto de Tornozelo para Apoio à Locomoção Humana, CNB 2023 - X Congresso Nacional de Biomecânica, Figueira da Foz, May, 2023
Vitor Anes, António Abreu, Ana Dias, João Calado, Agile teams? assignment model for Scaling Agile, ProjMAN ? International Conference on Project MANagement 2022, Jan, 2023
António Peres Nunes, Alexandra Moutinho, J. Raul Azinheira, Flying Wing Wildfire Tracking Using Visual Servoing and Gimbal Control, Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, and Image Processing. ICPR 2022 International Workshops and Challenges ,, Aug, 2023