
We found 1176 publications for:
International conference
Rafael A. Cordeiro, J. Raul Azinheira, Alexandra Moutinho, Actuation Failure Detection in Fixed-Wing Aircraft Combining a Pair of Two-Stage Kalman Filters, 21st IFAC World Congress, Jul, 2020
Afonso Gregório, Tiago dos Santos, Rodrigo Rossi, Abílio de Jesus, Raul Fangueiro, Pedro A.R. Rosa, A Novel Method for Compressive Load-Displacement Measurements at Very High Strain Rates of Para-Aramid Fabrics, AuxDefense, Advanced Materials for Defense, Jul, 2020
João Calado, R. Santos, A. Abreu, J. M. Soares, J. D. M. Martins, V. Anes, A Fuzzy Based Model to Assess the Influence of Project Risk on Corporate Behavior, 14th APCA International Conference on Automatic Control and Soft Computing - CONTROLO 2020, Jul, 2020
Ivo Roupa, Sérgio Gonçalves, Miguel Tavares da Silva, Inverse Kinematic Analysis of Human Movement using Fully Cartesian Coordinates with Mixed coordinates, Virtual Physiological Human (VPH2020), Paris, France, Aug, 2020
J. Davidson, Rui P. F. Gomes, R. Galeazzi, João C. C. Henriques, Blowing the Top on Parametric Resonance: Relief Valve Control for the Stabilisation of an OWC Spar Buoy, ASME 39th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Eng, OMAE 2020, Aug, 2020
J. S. Paulino, B. Feijoo, F. J. Ribeiro, Paulo R. Fernandes, André P. G. Castro, 3D Finite Element Modelling of the Pseudophakic Eye, VPH 2020, Aug, 2020
L M B C Campos, Pedro Serrão, João Oliveira, The PARE project and 58 recommendations for aeronautics research in Horizon Europe, 10th EASN Virtual International Conference on Innovation in Aviation & Space to the Satisfaction of the European Citizens, Sep, 2020
B.Torres, B. Naghshineh, G. Cardeal, D. Filipe, H. Carvalho, Paulo Peças, I. Ribeiro, The Impacts of Additive Manufacturing Technology on Lean/Green Supply Chain Management Practices, 6th European Lean Educator Conference, Milão, Itália, Sep, 2020
Ruano, M. G., FAZEL, A. S., MARTÍN, A. J., AERuano, DOMÍNGUEZ, J. J. G., Pulse Transition Time Method for Unobtrusive Blood Pressure Estimation, XV Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing ? MEDICON 2019, Sep, 2020
L M B C Campos, Project PARE: pre- and post-covid pandemic, World Aviation Congress, Kiev, Sep, 2020
L M B C Campos, João Oliveira, Pedro Serrão, Objectives and Results of project PARE: Perspectives for Aeronautical Research in Europe, 10tyh european aeronautical Science Network (EASN) Conference, Salerno, Sep, 2020
José Moita, Aurélio Araújo, Victor Franco Correia, Cristóvão Mota Soares, Mechanical and thermal buckling of functionally graded axisymmetric shellsc, ICCS23-23rd International Conference on Composite Structures & ECHCOMP6-International Conferenc on Mech Compositese, Porto ; Portugal -1-4 September 2020 ( Virtual , Sep, 2020
H. Cecílio, Paulo Peças, I. Ribeiro, D. Jorge, Material Flow Cost Accounting as a Way to Apply Lean Manufacturing, 6th European Lean Educator Conference, Milão, Itália, Sep, 2020
M. Barros, H. Cecílio, D. Jorge, Paulo Peças, Lean Performance Evaluation: Models and Application, 6th European Lean Educator Conference, Sep, 2020
Ivo Roupa, Soraia Paulo, Sérgio Gonçalves, Miguel Tavares da Silva, Daniel Simões Lopes, Estimation of Lower Limb Segment Orientation using Motion Envelopes: A Preliminary Study, Virtual ESMAC 2020, Online, Sep, 2020
João F. P. Fernandes, Paulo Branco, João Arnaud (IDMEC Ph.D. student), Use of Bulk Superconductors in the Excitation System of Low-Speed Synchronous Generators, IEEE 2020 Applied Superconductivity Conference, Oct, 2020
A. Scialò, João C. C. Henriques, G. Malara, F. Arena, Luís Gato, Selection of a PTO and a relief valve for the Roccella Jonica wave power plant, 4th International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, RENEW2020, Oct, 2020
Inês Pires, B.P.P.A. Gouveia, Jorge Rodrigues, Rui Baptista, J. Bernardino, Numerical simulation of an over-moulded plastic injection part – Bridging the Gap between injection Moulding Process & FEA, CARE 2020; 1st International Conference on Advanced Research in Engineering, Oct, 2020
João F. P. Fernandes, Paulo Branco, Francisco Silva (IDMEC Ph.D. student), José Silva, Improving the Torque Ripple with an Axial and Solid Double-Inner-Rotor Configuration in PM Flux Switching Generators, 2020 2nd Global Power, Energy and Communication Conference (GPECOM), Oct, 2020