
We found 1176 publications for:
International conference
João F. P. Fernandes, Pedro Bhagubai (IDMEC Ph.D. student), Cobalt Iron Core Impact on Optimal Design of an Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor for Competition Electric Vehicle, 2020 2nd Global Power, Energy and Communication Conference (GPECOM), Oct, 2020
Luís Pratas Quinto, Pedro Pinheiro, Sérgio Gonçalves, Ivo Roupa, Miguel Tavares da Silva, Analysis of a Passive Ankle Exoskeleton for the Reduction of the Metabolic Costs During Walking ? A Preliminary Study, The International Symposium on Wearable Robotics (WeRob2020) and WearRAcon Europe and 5th International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation (ICNR2020), Online, Oct, 2020
LAOUALI, I., QASSEMI, H., MARZOUQ, M., AERuano, BENNANI, S., EL FADILI, H., A nonlinear autoregressive neural network model for forecasting appliance power consumption, The 6th International Conference on Wireless Technologies, Embedded and Intelligent Systems , Oct, 2020
Nuno Ribeiro, Luís Pratas Quinto, Sérgio Gonçalves, Ivo Roupa, Paula Simões, Miguel Tavares da Silva, A Multivariate Analysis for Force Element Selection in Passive Ankle Exoskeletons, The International Symposium on Wearable Robotics (WeRob2020) and WearRAcon Europe and 5th International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation (ICNR2020), Oct, 2020
AERuano, QASSEMI, H., INOUSSA, H., MARZOUQ, M., FADILI, H. E., BENNANI, S., A Model-based Predictive Control approach for Home Energy Management Systems. First results., The 6th International Conference on Wireless Technologies, Embedded and Intelligent Systems (WITS-2020), Oct, 2020
João F. P. Fernandes, Paulo Branco, Francisco Silva (IDMEC Ph.D. student), Inês Peixoto, 3D Equivalent Space-Varying Permeability Model of HTS Bulks for Computation of Electromagnetic Forces, IEEE 2020 Applied Superconductivity Conference, Oct, 2020
L M B C Campos, Widespread Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Aviation, Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Aviation, Lisbon, Nov, 2020
Luis O. Faria, Technical Solutions for the Decarbonization of aviation, Decarbonization of aviation by 2050, Madrid, Nov, 2020
L M B C Campos, Overview of the project PARE: Perspectoves for Aeronautical Research in Europe, Sustainable aviation Fuels, Salerno, Nov, 2020
J.C.G. Pereira, Jorge Cruz Fernandes, J. Rodríguez, Luis Guerra Rosa, Homogeneização do fluxo em concentradores solares de elevada intensidade, Nov, 2020
Andre Miranda, Marco Leite, Luis Reis, E Copin, M. Fátima Vaz, Augusto Moita de Deus, Evaluation of the influence of design in the mechanical properties of honeycombs cores used in composite panels, MDA2020 3rd International Conference on Materials Design and Applications 2020, FEUP, Porto, 5-6 nov 2020 , Nov, 2020
J G Monteiro, Manuel Sardinha, Frederico Alves, Marco Leite, António Ribeiro, Augusto Moita de Deus, Luis Reis, M. Fátima Vaz, Evaluation of mechanical properties of 3D lattice structures for sandwich panels cores, MDA2020 3rd International Conference on Materials Design and Applications 2020, FEUP, Porto, 5-6 nov 2020 , Nov, 2020
Mariana Salama, Diogo Rechena, Luis Reis, Augusto Moita de Deus, Catarina Santos, Maria João Carmezim, M. Fátima Vaz, Effect of the topology on the mechanical properties of porous iron immersed in body fluids,, MDA2020 3rd International Conference on Materials Design and Applications 2020, FEUP, Porto, 5-6 nov 2020 , Nov, 2020
Pedro Areias, Hélder Rodrigues, Coupled finite-element/topology optimization of continua using the Newton-Raphson method, MDA2020, Porto, Nov, 2020
Tiago Fraga Silva, Afonso Gregório, Pedro A.R. Rosa, Abílio de Jesus, Ana Reis, Compressive Behavior of Additively Manufactured High Strength Steels Under Dynamic Loading and High Temperature Conditions, MDA2020, 3rd International Conference on Materials Design and Applications, Nov, 2020
Ana F. Ferreira, Mário Manuel Gonçalves Costa, Carbonization of grape pomace, INFUB 12 - European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, Nov, 2020
Guilherme De Almeida, Luis Guerra Rosa, J.C.G. Pereira, I. Bravo Gonzalo, Jorge Cruz Fernandes, J. González-Aguilar, Análise do comportamento de lentes em vidro de sílica perante a utilização de radiação solar concentrada, CIES2020 XVII Congresso Ibérico e XIII Congresso Ibero-americano de Energia Solar, Nov, 2020
Zuzana Dimitrovová, Analysis of vibrations induced by an oscillator traversing a beam supported by a finite depth foundation with simplified shear resistance, XI International Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN 2020), Nov, 2020
R. Santos, A. Abreu, João Calado, J. M. Soares, J. D. M. Martins, A framework based on fuzzy logic to manage risk in an open innovation context, 21st IFIP/SOCOLNET Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises (PRO-VE 2020), Nov, 2020
Pedro Rodrigues, Susana Vieira, Optimizing Agent Training with Deep Q-Learning on a Self-Driving Reinforcement Learning Environment, 2020 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), Dec, 2020