
We found 1176 publications for:
International conference
Agnes Gabrys, Rasmus Steffensen, Rafael Cordeiro, J. Raul Azinheira, Alexandra Moutinho, Florian Holzapfel, Integration of Phase Plane Flight Envelope Protections in Cascaded Incremental Flight Control, 21st IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace, Aug, 2019
Rafael Cordeiro, J. Raul Azinheira, Alexandra Moutinho, Addressing Actuation Redundancies in Incremental Controllers for Attitude Tracking of Fixed-Wing Aircraft, 21st IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace, Aug, 2019
G.C. Fraga, A.P. Petry, Pedro J. Coelho, F.H.R. França, A Report on Turbulence-Radiation Interaction Effects for Different Optical Thicknesses in Pool Fire Scenarios, 1st Franco-AMSUD Energy and Environment Meeting, Marselha, França, 18-21 de março, Mar, 2019
J. Infante Barbosa, Maria Amélia Ramos Loja, José Alberto Rodrigues, Paulo Vasconcelos, António J.M. Ferreira, SYMCOMP 2019 – 4th International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation: Developments and Applications, Apr, 2019
Zuzana Dimitrovová, M. Barroso, Railway Track Maintenance: Evaluation of Geogrid Benefits by Finite Element Analysis, 4th International Conference on Maintenance Engineering (IncoME-IV 2019), Dubai, Emirados Árabes Unidos , Apr, 2019
Samuel Cardoso, José Pereira, A C Marta, Design for Crashworthiness of an Eletric Vehicle, SymComp 2019 - 4th International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation, Porto, Portugal, Apr, 2019
G.C. Fraga, A.P. Petry, Pedro J. Coelho, F.H.R. França, Assessment of Subgrid-Scale Turbulence-Radiation Interaction on the Filtered Mean Radiative Emission in Large-Scale Pool Fire Simulations, 9th European Combustion Meeting, Lisboa, 14-17 de abril, Apr, 2019
Ivo Rocha, A C Marta, Aeroelastic Wing Analysis and Design, SymComp 2019 - 4th International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation, Porto, Portugal, Apr, 2019
Paulo F. M. Ferreira, On the Degradation of Nanocatalysts in PEM Fuel Cells: An Identical Location Aberration-Corrected TEM Study, 6th International Congress on Microscopy and Spectroscopy, Oludeniz, Turkey, May, 2019
João P.M. Pragana, Pedro Pombinha, Valdemar R. Duarte, Tiago A. Rodrigues, João P. Oliveira, Telmo G. Santos, Rosa M. Miranda, L. Quintino, C.M.Alves Silva, Large-dimension metal parts produced through Laser Powder Bed Fusion, METAL 2019 - 28th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials, Brno, Czech Republic, May, 2019
Gil Azinheira, Raquel Segurado, Mário Manuel Gonçalves Costa, Is RES powered desalination a viable solution for water stressed regions? A case study in Algarve, Portugal, 4th International Conference on Energy and Environment: bringing together Engineering and Economics, May, 2019
Zuzana Dimitrovová, Instability of Proximate Oscillators Traversing a Beam on an Elastic Continuum with Partial Shear Resistance, 4th International Conference on Recent Advances in Nonlinear Mechanics (RANM2019), Lodz, Polónia , May, 2019
Isabel Malico, Ana Cristina Gonçalves, Adélia M. O. Sousa, Energy potential of residual biomass of Eucalyptus globulus coppices in Portugal, 27th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition ? EUBCE 2019,, May, 2019
Marco Leite, Bruno Soares, Vanessa Lopes, Sara Santos, Miguel Tavares da Silva, Design for Personalized Medicine in Orthotics and Prosthetics, 29th CIRP Design 2019, Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal, May, 2019
Paulo F. M. Ferreira, Seeing Small: Understanding Catalysts Nanoparticles in Fuel Cells by Advanced Transmission Electron Microscopy, Nanotech France 2019, Paris, France, Jun, 2019
Francisco Ravasco, Rui Melicio, Nelson António Martins da Costa Batista, Duarte Valério, Robust Control of a Wind Turbine Using Third Generation CRONE Control, 19th IEEE EEEIC International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, Genoa, Jun, 2019
M. Faustino, D. Jorge, B. Rocha, A. Amaral, Paulo Peças, Lean methods digitization towards Lean 4.0, Mesic 2019 - Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference, Madrid, Jun, 2019
G.C. Fraga, Pedro J. Coelho, A.P. Petry, F.H.R. França, Investigation of the Role of Turbulent Fluctuations on the Time-Averaged Radiative Emission in Large-Scale Turbulent Pool Fires, 11th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Tenerife, Espanha, 16-20 de junho, Jun, 2019
Paulo J.S. Gonçalves, Fábio Santos, Intelligent Robotic Devices using Knowledge from the Cloud, 17th International Industrial Simulation Conference, ISC 2019, Lisbon; Portugal, Jun, 2019