We found 1176 publications for:
International conference
Elaine Fabre, Bruno Henriques, Eduarda Pereira, Carlos M Silva, Removal of Hg in single- and multi-component systems by agricultural wastes, 4 th International Congress on Water, Waste and Energy Management (WWEM-18) , Madrid, Spain, Jul, 2018
Elaine Fabre, Carlos Vale, Eduarda Pereira, Carlos M Silva, Study of Hg2+ removal from tap water using different biosorbents, 13 th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference (CHEMPOR) , Oct, 2018
Elaine Fabre, Arany Rocha, Cláudia B Lopes, Carlos Vale, Eduarda Pereira, Carlos M Silva, New promising microporous niobium and vanadium silicates for mercury removal from aqueous solutions, 13 th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference (CHEMPOR) , Oct, 2018
Marco Leite, J. Cunha, Manuel Sardinha, B. Soares, Luis Reis, António Ribeiro, TOOL PATH GENERATION FOR HYBRID ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING, Solid Freeform Fabrication 2018: Proceedings of the 29th Annual International 2202 Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium ? An Additive Manufacturing Conference, Austin, US, Aug, 2018
Marco Leite, N. Frutuoso, B. Soares, R. Ventura, MULTIPLE COLLABORATIVE PRINTING HEADS IN FDM: THE ISSUES IN PROCESS PLANNING, Solid Freeform Fabrication 2018: Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium ? An Additive Manufacturing Conference, Austin,, US, Aug, 2018
Inês Barbosa, Identification of Contact Properties of the Foot in the Stance Phase of Walking, 5th IEEE Portuguese BioEngineering Meeting, Coimbra, Portugal, Feb, 2017
José Moita, Aurélio Araújo, Cristóvão Mota Soares, Herkovits J., Static Bending and Buckling Analyses of Functionally Graded Plates Under Thermal Environment., 2017 EMI International Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil., Mar, 2017
U. Götzea, Paulo Peças, A. Schmidt, C. Symmank, E. Henriques, I. Ribeiro, M. Schüller,, Life Cycle Engineering and Management ? Fostering the Managementorientation of Life Cycle Engineering Activities, 24th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering,, Mar, 2017
L. Meynerts, U. Götzea, S. Clausb, Paulo Peças, I. Ribeiro, Concept of Integrated Life Cycle Assessment and Costing ? Application to the Case of Designing a Hybrid Train, 24th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, Mar, 2017
Márcia L. Baptista, Ivo P. de Medeiros, Joao P. Malere, Cairo L. Nascimento Jr, Helmut Prendinger, E. Henriques, Aircraft On-Condition Reliability Assessment based on Data-Intensive Analytics, International IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, Montana, EUA, Mar, 2017
Marisa Sofia Alves, Inês Barbosa, I. M. F. Bragança, Maria Amélia Ramos Loja, Towards Damage Quantification Caused By Drilling In Fibre Composite Laminates, SYMCOMP 2017 ? 3rd International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation: Advances and Applications, Apr, 2017
M S F Alves, Inês Barbosa, I. M. F. Bragança, Maria Amélia Ramos Loja, Towards Damage Quantification Caused by Drilling in Fibre Composite Laminates, SYMCOMP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation Developments and Applications, Guimarães, Portugal, Apr, 2017
Miguel Matos Neves, Hugo Policarpo, Symbolic Computation of ideal Column Critical Loads for the Limit Values of Elastic End Restraints, 3rd International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation Developments and Applications, Portugal, Apr, 2017
P. J. S. Gil, Tiago M. O. Pinto, Sounding Rockets Modelling and Simulation with Mathematica, 3rd International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation Developments and Applications, Guimarães, Portugal, 6-7 April, Apr, 2017
João Filipe Pinto Ribau, Carla M. Silva, Simulation of an Urban Bus Fuelled With Several Biodiesel Blends, 3rd International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS) , Apr, 2017
E. Ferrera, R. Tisseur, E. Lorenço, E. Silva, A. Baptista, G. Cardeal, Paulo Peças, Optimization for Sustainable Manufacturing – Application of Optimization Techniques to Foster Resource Efficiency, 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2017), Apr, 2017
Abdulsalam A. Al-Tamini, Paulo Jorge Bártolo, Chris Peach, Paulo R. Fernandes, Novel metallic bone fixation implants with reduced stiffness, Challenges for Technology Innovation: An Agenda for the Future: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Smart Manufacturing (S2M 2016), October 20-22, 2016, Lisbon, Portugal, London, Apr, 2017
M.N.Gomes, A.J.Baptista, A.P.Guedes, I. Ribeiro, E.J. Lourenço, Paulo Peças, Multi-Layer Stream Mapping: Application to an Injection Moulding Production System, SDM 2017 - Sustainable Design and Manufacturing , Apr, 2017
I. M. F. Bragança, Loja M.A.R., C.M.Alves Silva, Luis M. Alves, P.A.F. Martins, Joining of Sheets by Sheet-Bulk Forming: A Numerical and Experimental Stud, SYMCOMP 2017- 3rd International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation, Developments and Applications, Guimarães, Portugal, Apr, 2017
I. M. F. Bragança, Maria Amélia Ramos Loja, Carlos A. S. Silva, Luis M. Alves, P.A.F. Martins, Joining Of Sheets By Sheet Bulk Forming: A Numerical And Experimental Study, SYMCOMP 2017 ? 3rd International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation: Advances and Applications, Apr, 2017