We found 1176 publications for:
International conference
Baptista A.J., Lourenço E.J., Silva E.J., Estrela M.A., Paulo Peças, Integration of Eco-Efficiency and Efficiency Assessment Methodologies: The Efficiency Framework, SDM 2017 - Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 2017, Apr, 2017
José Moita, Aurélio Araújo, Cristóvão Mota Soares, Herkovits J., Higher order models for through-thickness stress analysis in functionally graded plate-shells structures., VI International Symposium on Solid Mechanics - MecSol 2017, Joinville, Brazil, Apr, 2017
J. Infante Barbosa, André D. Carvalho, Maria Amélia Ramos Loja, Ricardo Portal, José Alberto Rodrigues, Finite Element Techniques For Medical Image Processing, SYMCOMP 2017 ? 3rd International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation: Advances and Applications, Apr, 2017
João P. A. Durão, O. M. Palm, R. Catapan, Mário Manuel Gonçalves Costa, Effect of water addition on ethanol partial oxidation in a short contact time catalytic reactor, 8th European Combustion Meeting, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Apr, 2017
Vera Branco, Mário Manuel Gonçalves Costa, Effect of particle size on the burnout and emissions of particulate matter from the combustion of agricultural residues in a drop tube furnace, 2nd Thermal and Fluid Engineering Conference and 4th International Workshop on Heat Transfer, Las Vegas, USA, Apr, 2017
TALLÓN-BALLESTEROS, A. J., AERuano, DATA SELECTION TO IMPROVE SAMPLES QUALITY AND TO OVERCOME THE CURRENT PREDICTIONS, 3rd International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation (SYMCOMP 2017), Guimarães, Portugal, Apr, 2017
Eva Sousa, Lina Vieira, Diogo Miguel da Silva Costa, Durval Costa, Rui Parafita, Maria Amélia Ramos Loja, Comparison Between 3d Laser Scanning and Computed Tomography On The Modelling Of Head Surface, SYMCOMP 2017 ? 3rd International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation: Advances and Applications, Apr, 2017
Tomás D. A. C. Botelho, Mário Manuel Gonçalves Costa, M. Wilk, A. Magdziarz, Combustion characteristics of raw and torrefied grape pomace from thermogravimetric and drop tube furnace experiments, 8th European Combustion Meeting, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Apr, 2017
Alda Carvalho, Tiago Silva, Maria Amélia Ramos Loja, Assessing Parametric Uncertainty On Fibre Reinforced Composite Laminates, SYMCOMP 2017 ? 3rd International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation: Advances and Applications, Apr, 2017
João Calado, Fernando Cardoso Carreira, Francisco Campos, M. Marques, A Complete Frontier-based Exploration Method for Pose-SLAM, 17th International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC 2017), Apr, 2017
Pedro Antunes, Hugo Magalhães, Jorge Ambrósio, João Pombo, João Pedro Marçal Neves Costa, A Co?Simulation Approach to the Rail?Wheel Contact with Flexible Railways, Proceedings of the EUROMECH Colloquium 578 in Rolling Contact Mechanics for Multibody System Dynamics, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, Apr, 2017
Ricardo Diogo, Mário Brás, A C Marta, Afzal Suleman, Topology Optimization of a High Aspect Ratio Wing Box Using an Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm, CASI AERO 2017, 63rd Aeronautics Conference of the Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute, Toronto, Canada, May, 2017
P. Varela, Hugo Policarpo, P. B. Quental, R. Moutinho, R. Luís, Recent design activities for the in-vessel components of the ITER Plasma Position Reflectometry diagnostic, 13th International Reflectometry Workshop (IRW13) for fusion plasma diagnostics, South Korea, May, 2017
A. Veríssimo, E. Carrasquinha, Marta B. Lopes, A. L. Oliveira, M.-F. Sagot, S. Vinga, Network-based sparse modeling of breast invasive carcinoma survival data, Signal Processing with Adaptive Sparse Structured Representations (SPARS) , Lisboa, Portugal, May, 2017
A. Veríssimo, E. Carrasquinha, Marta B. Lopes, A. L. Oliveira, M.-F. Sagot, S. Vinga, Network-?based regularized optimization for cancer survival data analysis, Workshop Statistical Challenges in Single-Cell Biology, Ascona, Switzerland, May, 2017
N. F. Luis, Aurélio Araújo, José A. Madeira, Multiobjective Optimization for Active Vibration Attenuation in Laminated Composite Panels, DeMEASS VIII , May, 2017
Mário Brás, Afzal Suleman, Ricardo Diogo, A C Marta, Ant Colony Optimization Method Applied to Topology Optimization of Aircraft Structures, CANCAM 2017, 26th Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics, Victoria BC, Canada, May, 2017
Joana Pinheiro Neto, Rui Moura Coelho, Duarte Valério, S. Vinga, Dominik Sierociuk, Wiktor Malesza, Michal Macias, Andrzej Dzielinski, Variable Order Differential Models of Bone Remodelling, IFAC World Congress, Jun, 2017
Stephen Balakirsky, Craig Schlenoff, Sandro Fiorini, Signe Redfield, Marcos Barreto, Hirenkumar Nakawala, Elena De Momi, Joel Luís Carbonera, Larisa Soldatova, Fatima Maikore, Julita Bermejo-Alonso, Paulo J.S. Gonçalves, Veera R. Sampath Kumar, Tamás Haidegger, TOWARDS A ROBOT TASK ONTOLOGY STANDARD, ASME 2017 12th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, MSEC 2017 , Los Angeles, USA, Jun, 2017
Tiago dos Santos, Rui Soares, Abílio Jesus, Pedro A.R. Rosa, Ana Reis, Simulation studies of turning of aluminium cast alloy using PCD tools, Conference on Modelling of Machining Operations (CIRP CMMO) , Jun, 2017