
We found 1176 publications for:
International conference
Duarte Correia, Raquel Segurado, Sandrina Batista Pereira, Mário Manuel Gonçalves Costa, Techno-economic analysis of a trigeneration system based on biomass gasification, 13th International Conference on Energy for a Clean Environment, São Miguel, Açores, Portugal, Jul, 2017
Nelson Silva Ribeiro, João Folgado, Hélder Rodrigues, Surrogate-based visualization of the influence of geometric design on the performance of a coronary stent, Data Science, Statistics & Visualisation (DSSV 2017), Jul, 2017
S. Zhong, J. Zhong, J. Cai, Nuno Maia, Structural Health Monitoring of Offshore Wind Turbines Foundation, International Conference on Structural Dynamics (ICEDyn 2017), Jul, 2017
J. Batista, Carlos Quental, João Folgado, J. Monteiro, M. Sarmento, Scapular notching relevance in the reverse shoulder arthroplasty: a finite element analysis, 23rd Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB 2017), Seville, Spain, Jul, 2017
João Calado, António Abreu, Risk Model to Support the Governance of Collaborative Ecosystems, 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, Jul, 2017
P. Moreno-Garcia, José V. A. dos Santos, H. Lopes, Relations among position of damage, mode shape and derivative order, ICEDyn 2017 (International Conference on Structural Engineering Dynamics), Jul, 2017
Susana Vieira, Alexandra Moutinho, Margarida Solas, José F. Loureiro, Maria B. Silva, Sara Zorro, Luís Patrão, Joaquim Gabriel, Jorge Silva, Relating aircraft altitude with pilot?s physiological variables: towards increasing safety in light-sport aviation, ICINCO 2017 - 14th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Madrid, Spain, Jul, 2017
José A. Madeira, Recent Applications in Multiobjective Optimization with DMS and Multiglods , Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering , Jul, 2017
A. Veríssimo, E. Carrasquinha, M.B. Lopes, A.L.Oliveira, M.-F. Sagot, S. Vinga, Random Sample Consensus (RANSAC) for the robust identification of outliers in transcriptomic data, Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology / European Conference on Computational Biology (ISMB/ECCB 2017), Prague, Jul, 2017
Rodrigo Coelho, Alexandra Moutinho, J. Raul Azinheira, Quadrotor Attitude Control Using Incremental Nonlinear Dynamics Inversion, ICINCO 2017 - 14th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Madrid, Spain, Jul, 2017
E. Carrasquinha, A. Veríssimo, M.B. Lopes, S. Vinga, Outlier detection in survival analysis: an application to ovarian cancer data, The 61st World Statistics Congress (ISI 2017), Marrakesh, Jul, 2017
Sandrina Batista Pereira, Miriam Estefania Rodrigues Fernandes Rabaçal, Mário Manuel Gonçalves Costa, On the modelling of combustion of biomass in a drop tube furnace, 13th International Conference on Energy for a Clean Environment, São Miguel, Açores, Portugal, Jul, 2017
André F. O. Moço, Mário Manuel Gonçalves Costa, Cláudia Casaca, On ash deposit formation during the combustion of pulverized grape pomace in a drop tube furnace, 13th International Conference on Energy for a Clean Environment, São Miguel, Açores, Portugal, Jul, 2017
Hugo Policarpo, N. Velez, M. Furukava, Miguel Matos Neves, Nuno Maia, Olavo Silva, Samir Gerges, On a Performance Evaluation of Different Surface Damping Treatments, International Conference on Structural Dynamics (ICEDyn 2017), Jul, 2017
Hugo Policarpo, N. Velez, M. Furukava, Miguel Matos Neves, Nuno Maia, O. M. Silva, S. N. Y. Gerges, On a Performance Evaluation of Different Surface Damping Treatments, International Conference on Structural Dynamics - ICEDyn2017, Portugal, Jul, 2017
Ana Isabel Ferreiro, Miriam Estefania Rodrigues Fernandes Rabaçal, Mário Manuel Gonçalves Costa, Paola Giudicianni, V. Gargiulo, V. Alfe, Rafael Ragucci, Kinetic and experimental study on the effect of the ash on slow pyrolysis of xylan, 13th International Conference on Energy for a Clean Environment, São Miguel, Açores, Portugal, Jul, 2017
José Moita, Aurélio Araújo, Victor Franco Correia, Cristóvão Mota Soares, José Herskovits, FUNCTIONALLY GRADED PLATE-SHELL TYPE STRUCTURES: MATERIAL DISTRIBUTION AND SIZING OPTIMZATION, The 25th Annual International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering (ICCE-25). Conference , Jul, 2017
José Moita, Aurélio Araújo, V.M. Franco Correia, Herkovits J., Functionally Graded Plate-Shell Type Structures: Material Distribution and Sizing Optimization, 25th International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering, Rome, Italy, Jul, 2017
S. Zhong, Q. Zhang, J. Lin, Nuno Maia, Full-Scale Optical Coherence Vibration Tomography for Structural Dynamics Measurement, International Conference on Structural Dynamics (ICEDyn 2017), Jul, 2017
J. M. S. V. Silva, Miguel Matos Neves, Hugo Policarpo, Force and Displacement Transmissibility Matrices in Rotodynamics, International Conference on Structural Dynamics - ICEDyn2017, Portugal, Jul, 2017