
We found 2532 publications for:
International journal
Xiong S., Jorge Rodrigues, P.A.F. Martins, Simulation of Plane Strain Rolling Through a Combined Element Free Galerkin ? Boundary Element Approach, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 159, 214-223, 2005
Xiong S., Liu W.K., Cao J., Li C.S., Jorge Rodrigues, P.A.F. Martins, Simulation of Bulk Metal Forming Processes using the Reproducing Kernel Particle Method, Computers and Structures, 83, 574-587, 2005
Li C.S., Xiong S., Jorge Rodrigues, P.A.F. Martins, Simulation of Bulk Metal Forming Processes by means of Finite Integral Mesh Free Methods, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 219, 949-963, 2005
José Moita, Isidoro Pinto Correia, Cristóvão Mota Soares, Carlos Mota Soares, Active Control of Adaptive Laminated Structures with bonded Piezoelectric Sensors and Actuators, Computers and Strucrures, 82, 1349-1358, 2004
Thamy C. Hayashi, Isabel Malico, José Carlos F. Pereira, Three-dimensional modelling of a two-layer porous burner for household applications, 2004
Paulo R. Fernandes, João Folgado, Rui B. Ruben, Shape optimization of a cementless hip stem for a minimum of interface stress and displacement, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 7, 1, 51-61, 2004
João Folgado, Paulo R. Fernandes, José M. Guedes, Hélder Rodrigues, Evaluation of osteoporotic bone quality by a computational model for bone remodeling, Computers & Structures, 82, 1381-1388, 2004
Rosa Marat-Mendes, Carlos Dias, José Marat-Mendes, Rui Igreja, Paulo Inácio, D.K. Das-Gupta, Recent advances in ceramic-polymer composite electrets, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 11, 1, 35-40, 2004
Santos I.O., Zhang W., Gonçalves V. M., Bay N., P.A.F. Martins, Weld Bonding of Stainless Steel, Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 44, 1431-1439, 2004
Alves M.L., Jorge Rodrigues, P.A.F. Martins, Three-Dimensional Modelling of Forging Processes by the Finite Element Flow Formulation, Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 218, 1695-1707, 2004
M.Beatriz Silva, Baptista R.M.S.O., P.A.F. Martins, Stamping of Automotive Components: A Numerical and Experimental Investigation, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 155, 1489-1496, 2004
Alves M.L., Jorge Rodrigues, P.A.F. Martins, Numerical and experimental analysis of the closed-die forging of Aluminum spiders, Steel GRIPS ? Journal of Steel and Related Materials, 2, 121-125, 2004
Pedro A.R. Rosa, Baptista R.M.S.O., Jorge Rodrigues, P.A.F. Martins, Inversão Externa de Tubos Metálicos de Parede Fina, Revista Iberoamericana de Ingeniería Mecánica, 8, 79-90, 2004
Pedro A.R. Rosa, Jorge Rodrigues, P.A.F. Martins, Internal Inversion of Thin-Walled Tubes Using a Die: Experimental and Theoretical Investigation, International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 44, 775-784, 2004
Alves M.L., Jorge Rodrigues, P.A.F. Martins, Formulação de Escoamento Plástico: Aspectos de Natureza Computacional e Aplicação a Processos de Forjamento, Revista Iberoamericana de Ingeniería Mecánica, 8, 59-67, 2004
Virgínia Infante, Ricardo Baptista, C.M. Branco, Fatigue behaviour of welded joints with cracks, repaired by hammer peening, 2004
Xiong S., Jorge Rodrigues, P.A.F. Martins, Application of the Element Free Galerkin Method to the Simulation of Plane Strain Rolling, European Journal of Mechanics ? A/Solids, 23, 77-93, 2004
Pedro A.R. Rosa, Baptista R.M.S.O., Jorge Rodrigues, P.A.F. Martins, An Investigation on the External Inversion of Thin-Walled Tubes using a Die, International Journal of Plasticity, 20, 1931-1946, 2004
Xiong S., Jorge Rodrigues, P.A.F. Martins, Three-Dimensional Modelling of Steady-State Rolling by the Reproducing Kernel Particle Method, International Journal of Forming Processes, 6, 179-200, 2003
Xiong S., Jorge Rodrigues, P.A.F. Martins, Three Dimensional Modelling of the Vertical-Horizontal Rolling Process, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 39, 1023-1037, 2003