
We found 2532 publications for:
International journal
Alves M.L., Jorge Rodrigues, P.A.F. Martins, Simulation of Three-Dimensional Bulk Forming Processes by the Finite Element Flow Formulation, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering ? Institute of Physics, 11, 803-821, 2003
Xiong S., Liu W.K., Cao J., Jorge Rodrigues, P.A.F. Martins, On the Utilization of the Reproducing Kernel Particle Method for the Numerical Simulation of Plane Strain Rolling, International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 43, 89-102, 2003
Landre J., Pertence A., Cetlin P.R., Jorge Rodrigues, P.A.F. Martins, On the Utilisation of Ductile Fracture Criteria in Cold Forging, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 39, 175-168, 2003
Xiong S., Jorge Rodrigues, P.A.F. Martins, Numerical Simulation of Three-Dimensional Steady-State Rolling by the Reproducing Kernel Particle Method, Engineering Computations, 20, 855-874, 2003
Alves M.L., Fernandes J.L.M., Jorge Rodrigues, P.A.F. Martins, Finite Element Remeshing in Metal Forming Using Hexahedral Elements, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 141, 395-403, 2003
Pedro A.R. Rosa, Jorge Rodrigues, P.A.F. Martins, External Inversion of Thin-Walled Tubes Using a Die: Experimental and Theoretical Investigation, International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 43, 787-796, 2003
Manuel da Fonte, Manuel José Moreira Freitas, The effect of microstructure and environment on fatigue crack growth in 7049 aluminium alloy at negative stress ratios, International Journal of Fatigue, 25, 25, 1209-1216, 2003
José Moita, Cristóvão Mota Soares, Carlos Mota Soares, Geometrically Non-Linear Analysis of Composite Structures with Integrated Piezoelectric Sensors and Actuators, Composite Strucrures, 57, 253-261, 2002
Paulo R. Fernandes, João Folgado, Christopher Jacobs, V. Pellegrini, A contact model with ingrowth control for bone remodelling around cementless stems, Journal of Biomechanics, 35, 2, 167-176, 2002
Rosa Marat-Mendes, Carlos Dias, José Marat-Mendes, A comparative study of piezoelectric materials using smart angular accelerometers, ADVANCED MATERIALS FORUM I, 230, 181-184, 2002
Xiong S., Jorge Rodrigues, P.A.F. Martins, Rigid Plastic Boundary Element Analysis of the Upsetting of Slabs, Journal of Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 26, 367-374, 2002
Jorge Rodrigues, P.A.F. Martins, Finite Element Modelling of the Initial Stages of a Hot Forging Cycle, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 38, 295-305, 2002
José Carlos F. Pereira, Mário Manuel Gonçalves Costa, Isabel Malico, Experimental and numerical investigation of a porous counterflow heat exchanger model, 2001
Isabel Malico, José Carlos F. Pereira, Numerical study on the influence of radiative properties in porous media combustion, 2001
Xiong S., Xianghua L., Guodong W., P.A.F. Martins, Sihai J., Jianguang Y., Three Dimensional Thermo-Mechanical Finite Element Simulation of the Vertical Rolling Process, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 110, 89-97, 2001
B.P.P.A. Gouveia, Jorge Rodrigues, P.A.F. Martins, Bay N., Physical Modelling and Numerical Simulation of the Round-to-Square Forward Extrusion, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 112, 244-245, 2001
Alves M.L., Jorge Rodrigues, P.A.F. Martins, Cold Forging of Gears: Experimental and Theoretical Investigation, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 37, 549-558, 2001
José Moita, J. Infante Barbosa, Cristóvão Mota Soares, Carlos Mota Soares, Sensitivity Analysis and Optimal Design of Geometric Non-Linear Laminated Plates and Shells, Computers and Structures, 76, 407-420, 2000
Isabel Malico, X.-Y. Zhou, José Carlos F. Pereira, Two-dimensional numerical study of combustion and pollutants formation in porous burners, 2000
B.P.P.A. Gouveia, Jorge Rodrigues, P.A.F. Martins, Ductile Fracture in Metalworking : An Experimental and Theoretical Research, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 101, 52-63, 2000