
We found 2532 publications for:
International journal
B.P.P.A. Gouveia, Jorge Rodrigues, Bay N., P.A.F. Martins, Deformation Analysis of the Round-to-Square Extrusion: A Numerical and Experimental Investigation?,, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 35, 269-282, 2000
Petersen S.B., Jorge Rodrigues, P.A.F. Martins, Automatic Generation of Quadrilateral Meshes for the Finite Element Analysis of Metal Forming Processes, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 35, 157-168, 2000
Isabel Malico, José Carlos F. Pereira, Numerical predictions of porous burners with integrated heat exchanger for household applications, 1999
Paulo R. Fernandes, José M. Guedes, Hélder Rodrigues, Topology Optimization of three-dimensional Linear Elastic Structures with a constraint on ?perimeter, Computers & Structures, 73, 538-594, 1999
Paulo R. Fernandes, Hélder Rodrigues, Christopher Jacobs, A Model of Bone Adaptation Using a Global Optimisation Criterion Based on The Trajectorial Theory of Wolff, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2, 2, 125-138, 1999
P.A.F. Martins, Barata Marques M.J.M., Upper Bound Analysis of Plane Strain Rolling Using a Flow Function and the Weighted Residuals Method, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 44, 1671-1683, 1999
Xiong S., Jorge Rodrigues, P.A.F. Martins, Three Dimensional Simulation of Flat Rolling Through a Combined Finite Element-Boundary Element Approach, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 32, 221-233, 1999
Xiong S., Jorge Rodrigues, P.A.F. Martins, Simulation of Plane Strain Rolling Through a Combined Finite Element-Boundary Element Approach, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 96, 173-181, 1999
Rosa Marat-Mendes, Carlos Dias, José Marat-Mendes, Measurement of the angular acceleration using PVDF, FERROELECTRICS, 228, 1999
Rosa Marat-Mendes, Carlos Dias, José Marat-Mendes, Measurement of the angular acceleration using a PVDF and a piezo-composite, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL, 76, 310-313, 1999
B.P.P.A. Gouveia, Jorge Rodrigues, Bay N., P.A.F. Martins, Finite Element Modelling of Cold Forward Extrusion, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 94, 85-83, 1999
Fernandes J.L.M., Jorge Rodrigues, P.A.F. Martins, Combined Finite Element-Boundary Element Thermo-Mechanical Analysis of Metal Forming Processes, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 87, 247-257, 1999
B.P.P.A. Gouveia, Jorge Rodrigues, P.A.F. Martins, Steady-State Finite Element Analysis of Cold Forward Extrusion, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 73, 281-288, 1998
Lopes A.B., Petersen S.B., Jorge Rodrigues, P.A.F. Martins, Gracio J.J., Injection Forging of Tubes – Results of Macroscopic Analysis and Comparison with Microstructural Observations, Materials Science Engineering, 248, 276-286, 1998
Tan X., P.A.F. Martins, Bay N., Zhang W., Friction Studies at Different Normal Pressures with Alternative Ring-Compression Tests, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 80, 1998
B.P.P.A. Gouveia, Jorge Rodrigues, P.A.F. Martins, Finite Element Modelling of Cold Forward Extrusion Using Updated Lagrangian and Combined Eulerian-Lagrangian Formulations, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 80, 647-652, 1998
Jorge Rodrigues, P.A.F. Martins, Coupled Thermo-Mechanical Analysis of Metal Forming Processes Through a Combined Finite Element-Boundary Element Approach, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 42, 631-645, 1998
Petersen S.B., P.A.F. Martins, Bay N., An Alternative Ring Test Geometry for Evaluation of Friction under Low Normal Pressure, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 79, 14-24, 1998
Petersen S.B., B.P.P.A. Gouveia, Jorge Rodrigues, P.A.F. Martins, A Metal Forming Approach to Automatic Generation of Graded Initial Quadrilateral Finite Element Meshes, Engineering Computations, 15, 577-587, 1998
Petersen S.B., Balendra R., Jorge Rodrigues, P.A.F. Martins, The Avoidance of Defects in Radially Extruded Tubular Parts by Preforming, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 69, 155-161, 1997