We found 1176 publications for:
International conference
M. Cunha, J. Cardoso, Cláudia Casaca, Análise Energética e Económica de Sistemas AVAC para a Reabilitação de um Edifício Residencial, CYTEF - Ciencias Y Técnicas del Frio ? IX Congreso Ibérico / VII Congreso Iberoamericano, Jun, 2018
Carlos Quental, M. Azevedo, Jorge Ambrósio, S. Gonçalves, João Folgado, Analysis of the musculotendon dynamics influence on the shoulder muscle force sharing problem using a fully inverse dynamics approach, 5th Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics, Jun, 2018
Duarte M. S. Albuquerque, Diogo M. C. Martins, José Carlos F. Pereira, An Immersed Boundary Method with Divergence-Free Interpolation for Unstructured Polyhedral Grids, 7th European Conference in Computational Fluid Dynamics ECFD7 - ECCOMAS, Glasgow, Jun, 2018
Alamin, Yaser I., Álvarez, José D., del Mar Castilla, María, AERuano, An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model to predict the electric load profile for an HVAC system, 3rd IFAC Conference on Embedded Systems, Computational Intelligence and Telematics in Control (CESCIT), Univ Algarve, Faro, Portugal, Jun, 2018
Hamid Reza Khosravani, AERuano, FERREIRA, P. M., A New Convex Hull, Sliding Window Based Online Adaptation Method, 3rd IFAC Conference on Embedded Systems, Computational Intelligence and Telematics in Control (CESCIT), Univ Algarve, Faro, Portugal, Jun, 2018
H. Araújo, Marco Leite, António Ribeiro, Augusto Manuel Moura Moita de Deus, Luis Reis, M. Fátima Vaz, The effect of the geometry of on the mechanical and failure properties of cellular core structures, NT2F18-18th International Conference on New Trends in Fatigue and Fracture, Fatigue and Fracture at all Scales, Lisboa, Jul, 2018
H. Araújo, Marco Leite, António Ribeiro, Augusto Manuel Moura Moita de Deus, Luis Reis, M. Fátima Vaz, The effect of geometry on the flexural properties of cellular core structures, MDA2018 -2nd International Conference on Materials Design and Applications 2018, Porto, Jul, 2018
E. Carrasquinha, A. Veríssimo, M.B. Lopes, S. Vinga, Survival analysis of high-dimensional cancer gene expression data, The 11th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ECMTB 2018), Jul, 2018
J. Infante Barbosa, R S B Rosas, Inês Barbosa, I. M. F. Bragança, M S F Alves, Study On Undesirable Effects Induced By Drilling Operations In Composite Laminates, MECHCOMP 4 ? 4th International Conference on Mechanics of Composites, Madrid, Spain, Jul, 2018
Marta P. Fernandes, Susana Vieira, João C. C. Henriques, Duarte Valério, Luís Gato, Short-term prediction in an Oscillating Water Column using Artificial Neural Networks, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Rio de Janeiro, Jul, 2018
João Pedro Grosa Magrinho, M.Beatriz Silva, P.A.F. Martins, Sheet-Bulk Forming of Three-Dimensional Features in Metal Blanks, MDA2018 ? 2nd. International Conference on Materials Design and Applications, Porto, Portugal, Jul, 2018
Pieter Segaert, M.B. Lopes, Sandra Casimiro, S. Vinga, Peter Rousseeuw, Robust identification of target genes and outliers in triple-negative breast cancer data, Data Science, Statistics & Visualisation (DSSV 2018), Jul, 2018
Virgínia Infante, Filipa Moleiro, D.X. Duarte, P. Pereira, G. Gameiro, P.J. Antunes, N.J. Oliveira, J.C. Viana, Practical evaluation of the electromechanical impedance technique as an alternative NDT inspection method for manned aviation and study of its applicability as a low cost SHM system for UAS applications, ICEFA VIII - Eighth International Conference on Engineering Failure Analysis, Jul, 2018
José A. Madeira, Aurélio Araújo, Noise attenuation in sandwich panels by optimization of piezoelectric sensors and actuators, 26th Annual International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering, Paris, France, Jul, 2018
Aurélio Araújo, José A. Madeira, Filipa Moleiro, Noise and vibration reduction in viscoelastic sandwich panels using piezoelectric patches, Eighth International Conference on Thin Walled Structures, Lisboa, Portugal, Jul, 2018
M.B. Lopes, A. Veríssimo, E. Carrasquinha, Sandra Casimiro, S. Vinga, Network-based penalized logistic regression for the identification of common gene signatures in breast and prostate cancers, Data Science, Statistics & Visualisation (DSSV 2018), Jul, 2018
V Anes, E. Henriques, S. Freitas, Luis Reis, Multi-variable prioritization model for risk evaluation scenarios in mechanical design, Jul, 2018
R. Bola, Eurico Gonçalves Assunção, L. Quintino, ModuLase – Development and Pilot Line Validation of a Modular re-configurable Laser Process Head, 71th IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference (IIW 2018), Bali, Indonésia, Jul, 2018
D. Tamen, A. Pinto, Luis Reis, Mechanical Behaviour of Ventilated Cladding Kits: Experimental and numerical assessment, Jul, 2018
V Anes, R Moreira, Manuel José Moreira Freitas, Luis Reis, Magnesium alloy elastoplastic behaviour under multiaxial loading conditions, Jul, 2018