We found 1176 publications for:
International conference
S. Pereira, André D. Carvalho, Luis Reis, Manuel José Moreira Freitas, Characterization and Evaluation of Orthodontic Files under Rotary Fatigue tests, 18th International Conference on New Trends in Fatigue and Fracture, NT2F18, Jul, 2018
B. Albuquerque, Luis Reis, P. Talaia, Characterization and Evaluation of a Cork Agglomerate Under Different Strain Rates Towards Aeronautical Applications, Jul, 2018
José Moita, Aurélio Araújo, Cristóvão Mota Soares, Victor Franco Correia, José Herskovits, Buckling Behavior of Composite and Functional Graded Material Plates,, ICCE-26, 26th Annual International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering, Paris - France, Jul, 2018
Raquel Miranda, Duarte Valério, S. Vinga, Bone Remodelling, Tumour Growth, and Fractional Order Therapy Predictive Control, International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, Amman, Jul, 2018
B. Santos, Carlos Quental, João Folgado, M. Sarmento, J. Monteiro, Bone adaptation of the humerus after resurfacing and stemless shoulder arthroplasties, 8th World Congress of Biomechanics, Jul, 2018
Duarte M. S. Albuquerque, Artur M. G. Vasconcelos, José Carlos F. Pereira, A Novel Eight-Order Diffusive Scheme for Unstructured Polyhedral Grids using the Weighted Least-Squares Method, International Conference on Spectral and High-order Methods - ICOSAHOM 2018, London, Jul, 2018
João Cunha, Luis G. Sousa, Francisco Guerra-Pinto, José G Consciência, Paulo R. Fernandes, A novel biomedical device for ankle injury diagnosis, 8th World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB 2018), Dublin, Jul, 2018
Mónica Faria, Cíntia Moreira, V. Semião, Maria Norberta Pinho, Oxygen Mass Transfer in Oxygen/Membrane/Water Flow Systems, Euromembrane 2018, Valência, Spain, Jul, 2018
Paulo F. M. Ferreira, Understanding Amorphous Mesoporous Silica Superstructures by Aberration-Corrected STEM, XXVII International Materials Research Congress, Cancun, Mexico, Aug, 2018
Paulo F. M. Ferreira, On the Degradation of Pt-Ni Nanocatalysts for PEM Fuel Cells: An Identical Location Aberration-Corrected TEM Study, XXVII International Materials Research Congress, Cancun, Mexico, Aug, 2018
Paulo F. M. Ferreira, On the Degradation of Pt-Ni Nanocatalysts for PEM Fuel Cells: An Identical Location Aberration-Corrected TEM Study, Electron Microscopy of Nanostructures, ELMINA 2018, Belgrade, Serbia, Aug, 2018
Pedro J. Coelho, J. Freire, Application of a Short Pulse Laser to the Human Skin, 16th Int. Heat Transfer Conference, Beijing, Aug, 2018
E. Carrasquinha, A. Veríssimo, M.B. Lopes, S. Vinga, Variable selection and outlier detection in regularized survival models: application to melanoma gene expression data, Fourth International Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science (LOD 2018), Sep, 2018
João Villa-Brito, M.B. Lopes, Alexandra M. Carvalho, S. Vinga, Unravelling breast and prostate common gene signatures by Bayesian network learning, International Conference on Computational Intelligence methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics (CIBB 2018), Sep, 2018
Nuno Maia, Miguel Matos Neves, Tiago Silva, Transmissibility versus damage detection, ISMA 2018, 'Noise and Vibration Engineering', Leuven, Belgium, Sep, 2018
Ricardo Marques, Alexandra Moutinho, Filipe Szolnoky Ramos Pinto Cunha, The Tilt-Quadrotor: Modelling and Attitude Stabilization, 44th European Rotorcraft Forum, The Netherlands, Sep, 2018
D. Pires, M. Barroso, S. Fontul, Zuzana Dimitrovová, The study of the interlock of ballast in triaxial geogrids, 14th International Conference on Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery (VETOMAC XIV), Sep, 2018
Virgínia Infante, Luis G. Sousa, Paulo J. Antunes, Alfredo Moura, Júlio C. Viana, Bruno Serrano, Paulo Gameiro, SHM TB30 ? Methodology and Tools for Assessing the Structural Health and Life Extrension of Legacy Aircraft, AuxDefense 2018 - 1st World Conference on Advanced Materials for Defense, Sep, 2018
Zuzana Dimitrovová, Semi-analytical approaches to vibrations induced by moving loads, International Conference on Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery (VETOMAC XIV), Sep, 2018
Filipe Szolnoky Ramos Pinto Cunha, António Ribeiro, Marco Leite, Passive Smart Structure Design for an Adaptive Helicopter Blade, Sep, 2018