
We found 1176 publications for:
International conference
Luis M. Alves, C.M.Alves Silva, P.A.F. Martins, Joining by Sheet Bulk Forming of Tubes to Sheets, Metal Forming 2018 - 17th International Conference on Metal Forming, Toyohashi, Japan, Jul, 2018
A. Cereja, Eurico Gonçalves Assunção, L. Quintino, V. Psyk, Faes K., JOIN?EM ? Demonstration of the feasibility of Electromagnetic Welding applied to dissimilar materials, 71th IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference (IIW 2018), Bali, Indonésia, Jul, 2018
Diogo Almeida, Rui B. Ruben, Paulo R. Fernandes, João Folgado, Benedict Verhegghe, Matthieu De Beule, From CT-Scan to Finite Element Analysis for a Patient-Specific Hip Arthroplasty, 8th World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB 2018), Dublin, Jul, 2018
Rui Melicio, Duarte Valério, Victor M. F. Mendes, Fractional Control of an Offshore Wind System, International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, Amman, Jul, 2018
Inés Tejado, Emiliano Pérez, Duarte Valério, Fractional Calculus in Economic Growth Modelling of the Group of Seven, International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, Amman, Jul, 2018
Manuel da Fonte, Luis Reis, Virgínia Infante, Manuel José Moreira Freitas, Failure mode analysis of head tie bolts of a marine diesel engine, International Conference ICEFA VIII, Budapeste, 07 - 12 July 2018, Jul, 2018
Ricardo Baptista, Virgínia Infante, Manuel José Moreira Freitas, Failure analysis of the nose landing gear axle of an aircraft, ?, ICEFA VIII - Eighth International Conference on Engineering Failure Analysis, Jul, 2018
Virgínia Infante, Manuel José Moreira Freitas, Failure Analysis of Compressor Blades of a Helicopter Engine, ICEFA VIII - Eighth International Conference on Engineering Failure Analysis, Jul, 2018
Miguel Miguel, Marco Leite, António Ribeiro, Luis Reis, M. Fátima Vaz, Failure analysis of additive manufacturing nylon parts coated with protective products, NT2F18-18th International Conference on New Trends in Fatigue and Fracture, Fatigue and Fracture at all Scales, Lisboa, Jul, 2018
Manuel da Fonte, Manuel José Moreira Freitas, Luis Reis, Failure analysis of a damaged diesel motor crankshaft, International Conference NT2F18, Hotel Holiday Inn, Lisbon, 17- 20 July 2018, Jul, 2018
Virgínia Infante, Manuel José Moreira Freitas, Manuel da Fonte, Failure analysis of a crankshaft of a helicopter engine, International Conference ICEFA VIII, Budapeste, 07-12 July 2018., Jul, 2018
Rosa Marat-Mendes, R Martins, Luis Reis, Experimental and Numerical Characterization of Stress-Strain Fields on Sandwich Beams Subjected to 3PB and 4PB, Jul, 2018
Virgínia Infante, C. Vidal, Effect of Tool Geometry on Friction Stir Xhanneling and Fatigue Strength of AA5083 H111 Channels, New trends in fatigue and fracture - NT2F18, Jul, 2018
André P. G. Castro, Zainab Altai, A. C. Offiah, S. C. Shelmerdine, O. J. Arthurs, X. Li, D. Lacroix, Development of Personalised Infant Femur Finite Element Models Combining Paired CT and MRI Examinations, World Congress of Biomechanics 2018, Jul, 2018
Diogo Montalvão, Manuel José Moreira Freitas, Luis Reis, Manuel da Fonte, Design of Cruciform Test Specimens with different Biaxiality ratios for VHCF Fatigue, International Conference ICEFA VIII, Budapeste, 07-12 July 2018., Jul, 2018
B. Ferreira, Luis Reis, B. Albuquerque, Corrosion Behavior of 7075-T651 Aluminum Alloy under Different Environments, Jul, 2018
G. Maciel, M Vieira, Luis Reis, Computational modelling of an offshore wind foundation for transitional waters with self-floating capability, Jul, 2018
M. Viana, M Vieira, Luis Reis, Computational Modelling of a Monopile Foundation for Offshore Wind Turbine, Jul, 2018
Júlia Pinheiro, Rui B. Ruben, José M. Guedes, André P. G. Castro, Paulo R. Fernandes, Computational and Experimental assessment of mechanical properties for TPMS based scaffolds, 8th World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB 2018), Dublin, Jul, 2018
João Lemos Nabais, Carlos Batista, Miguel Ayala Botto, Collaboration amongst seaports and transport providers towards synchromodal freight networks, XXXII Congresso International de Economia Aplicada, Huelva, Spain, Jul, 2018